Clarian Wonen
Logo Clarian Wonen

Clarian Wonen is a new player in the mortgage market, made available by Conneqt. Conneqt is part of the Blauwtrust group and has over 28 years of experience in providing consumer mortgages.

Clarian "Wonen" Mortgage

With Clarian Wonen, you can choose between an annuity, linear or repayment-free mortgage, or a combination of these. The mortgages are offered through a network of mortgage advisors, including those at De Hypotheker.

Current Clarian Wonen interest rates

Below you will find Clarian Wonen's current interest rates and you can immediately calculate what your monthly costs would be at these rates. Are you curious what the interest rates are for other fixed-interest periods or mortgage types? Bekijk dan onze rentestanden pagina.

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